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Mgarr Shop

Agius Agricultural Trading Ltd,
Fisher Road, 
Mgarr, Malta
MGR 9057

Opening hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Sat: 8:00am - 12:00pm

Attard Shop

Agius Agricultural Trading Ltd,
Pitkali Road,
Attard, Malta
ATD 2215

Opening hours: Mon & Thur: 7:00am - 13:00pm 
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat: 8:30am - 12:00pm


Stihl MS170

Stihl MS170

Entry-level model for cutting firewood. Now with the environmentally-friendly and economical STIHL 2-MIX engine, easy to operate with combi-level, automatic STIHL Ematic chain lubrication system for optimum lubrication of the chain.

Technical data

Displacement 30,1 cm³
Power output 1,2/1,6 kW/bhp
Weight 1) 4,1 kg
Power-to-weight ratio 3,4 kg/kW
Sound pressure level 2) 100 dB(A)
Sound power level 2) 111 dB(A)
Vibration level left/right 3) 5,2/5,5 m/s²
Saw chain pitch 3/8"P
STIHL Oilomatic saw chain type PMM3

1) Without fuel, without bar and chain
2) K-factor according to DIR 2006/42/EC = 2.5 dB (A)
3) K-factor according to DIR 2006/42/EC = 2m / s ²
