Chikara 25 WG

Chikara 25 WG

CHIKARA 25 WG is a systemic herbicide  based of Flazasulfuron, for weed control in non cultivated areas apart from vines, citrus and olive. It is absorbed by leaves and roots and readily traslocated in the meristematic textures of the infestants.

It is used in the treatments of post emergence stage when infestants are still small up to a maximum height of  10 cm, apart from this thanks to its residual activity it has an effective control also in the pre emergence stage. Efect only one treatment per year.

It is efficient against numerous graminacee and dicotiledoneus weeds like :

Graminace: Echinochloa crus galli (giavone comune),  Lolium multiflorum (loglio), Lolium perenne (loietto), Lolium rigidum (loglio rigido), Setaria verticillata (panicastrella);

Dicotiledones: Amaranthus retroflexus (amaranto comune), Chenopodiun album (farinello comune), Diplotaxis erucoides (ruchetta violacea), Erigeron canadensis (impia), Erodium ciconium (cicuta), Geraniun dissectum (geranio rosso), Geranium rotundifolium, Matricaria chamomilla (camomilla comune), Mercurialis annua (mercurella comune), Picris echioides (aspraggine volgare), Polygonum aviculare (correggiola), Polygonum persicaria (persicaria), Portulaca oleracea (erba porcellana), Senecio vulgaris (erba calderina), Sinapis arvensis (senape selvatica), Stellaria media (centocchio comune), Allium vineale (aglio selvatico).

Apart from these it controls Cyperus rotundus (nut grass ).

!This serves only as a guide please read the product label before any treatment


Safety period

Olive & Citrus 30 days
Vines 60 days
