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Mgarr Shop

Agius Agricultural Trading Ltd,
Fisher Road, 
Mgarr, Malta
MGR 9057

Opening hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Sat: 8:00am - 12:00pm

Attard Shop

Agius Agricultural Trading Ltd,
Pitkali Road,
Attard, Malta
ATD 2215

Opening hours: Mon & Thur: 7:00am - 13:00pm 
Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat: 8:30am - 12:00pm




Promotes ripening.

SWEET®, promotes the sugar production and accelerates the biochemical processes of ripening, thanks to the content of calcium, magnesium, trace elements and specific polysaccharides. 
SWEET® therefore produces an increase in the sugar content of the dry fruits and a reduction of unripened waste in the harvest. It is particularly indicated for all cases of high production, in climatic conditions unfavourable to the ripening process, and for improving production quality (° Brix, texture). In floriculture, it increases the brightness and, for cut flowers, post-harvest shelf¬life. 
To have a synergistic effect, we recommend using in combination with MEGAFOL®.


  • Increases sugar content.
  • Qualitatively better fruit parameters.
